great animation, needs some polishing
Overall, it was a good game. Just a few things to consider though. First and foremost. The text takes forever to read through. Don't get me wrong: I love reading, but when the text is "typing" itself out, instead of having it so that when you press the space bar, it dismisses the text in mid-sentence, have a press of the spacebar allow you to skip the text animation to display the whole text, and then another press of the spacebar would dismiss the text. This would really speed up the game for your faster-reading fans. Second, try to adjust the volume of that beeping sound effect. It's really loud though of course there's no music yet to drown it out. Or better yet, have the sound effects and music both be adjustable in the game. Also, for flash RPG's, since they're not graphic/connection-intensive, I suggest streaming the music from somewhere instead of loading it with the game, as it looks like this is going to turn out to be a huge game, and this will cut your file size in half at least.
Ok, other than that, it was very well made so far. The animation and artwork are really impressive.